Math - We will be using a math series this year called College Prepatory Mathematics (C.P.M.). This series emphasizes working together in groups on math problems. Students will learn to think in different ways. They will compare quantities, visualize ideas, describe and explain their thinking, look for multiple ways of doing problems and seeing ideas, and make sense of ideas and concepts. Whole numbers, algebra, statistics, geometry, decimals, fractions, ratio and proportion are our main focus.

MATH HOMEWORK Philosophy :  Homework is assigned weekly.  I usually assign work at the beginning of the week and have it due by the end of that week.  If students use their time wisely the majority of it can be done in class.  We go through assignments and answer questions whenever needed.  Homework is worth 20% of the total grade with Assessments making up the remaining 80%

MN History Our focus is on Minnesota history, geography, and government for the entire year. We will also look into students own history in Minnesota. During the fourth quarter we work on a Minnesota trip using Google Slides. We may go on a field trip to the state capitol which helps culminates our study.

MN History Homework Philosophy-  Participate in class, complete the work and students will do well.  

Contact: Damon Hammel