
Spelling and Vocabulary Practice
Practice this week's spelling and vocabulary words by scrolling down and choosing the correct story.

Egypt Study: Plan your Afterlife
This website details more about ancient Egypt and how they planned for their afterlife. 

Bridge to Terabithia Vocabulary
Please use this to study the vocabulary.

Mummy Maker
Read through Ancient Egypt, write using Hieroglyphics, make a mummy and then take the quiz over it all.  Make sure to send me a screenshot of your quiz score! 

Cartouche creator and More!
Create a cartouche of your name and turn in the screenshot to Google Classroom. 

More Ancient Egypt - look for games


Math Games
Choose what you want to work on. 

  Minnesota History

MN History
This can also be used for your board game.

Roster of MN First Regiment

Sioux Myths and Legends
Use this to help retell the myth of legend your group chooses.

Myths and Legends of the Sioux
Use this link to help your group retell a Sioux legend.

Lakota Legends
Use this site to help your group retell a Lakota legend.

Voyageur Vocabulary
Practice here


Keyboard Practice
Learn the home row keys and how not to hunt and peck. 

Keyboard Timed Test
Here you can find 1, 2 and 5 minute timed tests to make you faster. Challenge me?


Spelling City
Choose the correct word list.

Analogy Practice
Choose games, practice, enrichment etc. 

Maniac Magee Vocab. Practice

  Kindness Retreat

Kindness Retreat Survey
Click here to take the Kindness Retreat Survey