My classroom discipline policy is based on Respect--Responsibility--Cooperation.  We will stress respect for others' space, property, and thoughts by keeping our hands and other body parts to ourselves.  We will ask to use another person's property but at the same time be aware if something should need to be picked up or given to the owner.  And we will listen respectfully when another person is speaking.

Responsibility includes helping around the room by way of our classroom helper chart.  The students will also be responsible for their own learning and for always putting forth their best effort in whatever they do.

Cooperation means we are all in this together.  Learning to share ideas, accept others' ideas, and work together in a cooperative effort allows children to get the most out of a learning experience.

In order to accomplish these tasks, our school has adopted the Responsive Classroom curriculum. 

This is a cooperative effort between home and school.  Supporting one another will show your child how important he/she is to each of us and that we are truly interested in his/her learning and development.