From Our Classroom To Home

We continually work on building relationships, studying skills and having fun while learning. Here are some ways we can work together between school and home. Thanks for your support in your child's education.

Homework: Each day students are expected to read a minimum of 20 minutes, study math facts and study priority words.

Reading: Read, read, read, practice, practice, practice! 

Math: A homework sheet may come home nightly, however, the expectations is only the side that states "Homework."  The side the states "Remembering" is to be completed the next morning IN CLASS.  If you wish give your child some extra assistance, doing both sides is fine with me.  

5-Minute Math Facts Mastery Targets:
Quarter 1: Addition
Quarter 2: Subtraction
Quarter 3: Multiplication
Quarter 4: Division

Reading Slip:
Your child should read at least 20 minutes a day at home and record the minutes he or she reads on the reading slip. Please to help your child record the number of minutes s/he reads each night and sign it at the end of the week to confirm that s/he read that number of minutes. Reading Slips are due the first day of each school week with an adult's signature. At school students graph the amount of time they read at home, so they can track their progress.

Library Books:
Students go to the library to check-out new books each Tuesday. Please remind your child to return their books each Tuesday morning, as that is our designated library book check-out time.

Assignment Notebooks:
Please help your child remember to bring his/her assignment notebook back to school signed by an adult everyday. The assignment notebook lists what needs to be done that night for school the next day. Please take time to look at and sign your child’s assignment notebook every night.

Accelerated Reader Time (AR):
AR Time is 25-30 minutes in which each student reads independently and quietly. Each student should have a book from home or from the school or our classroom library to read. Books read at school need to be in your child's AR reading level. Updated reading levels will be sent home to you each quarter. Their goal is to reach 100% of their points with at least 80% comprehension each quarter.

We welcome healthy snacks for the 20 students in our class to enjoy during Milk Break. We appreciate the brain energy boost. Your child may bring an individual snack each day. We also appreciate a healthy snack for the whole class (for example: birthdays).

Bus/Walking/Pick Up:
Please make every effort to communicate with your child before school about how they will get home. If your son or daughter is going to be doing something different after school, please send a note to school that day. We want to make sure your child is safe and goes to the correct place after school. (For example: _____ will be picked up today rather than taking the bus.)

Book Orders:
Scholastic Book Club forms will be sent home throughout the year. Ordering books add to your child's personal library as they enjoy reading good books. They can also be used for Accelerated Reader (AR) at home. The Book Order will have an AR level by AR books. Make checks payable to “Scholastic Book Club” if you send a book order to school. Please place the check and the order form, with your child's name clearly marked, in an envelope. The date that the order is due is written on the back of the order form. If more than one book order is sent home, you still only need to write one check to “Scholastic Book Club." You can also order online. Orders earn free books for our classroom! More directions about online book ordering will come home with the first Book Order. 

Computer Lab:
The elementary computer lab is open Tuesday nights from 5:45-7:45 for all Dover-Eyota parents and students. All students need to have an adult with them to be allowed to go into the computer lab. Students are able to take AR quizzes by themselves or go on Study Island to practice math and play math games. Those are just two of the wonderful resources available in the computer lab on Tuesday evenings.

Attendance: Please do your best to make sure your child is to school on time. School starts at 8:00 am and ends at 2:55 pm. Learning starts right away in the morning, so when students are even a few minutes late, they may distract others from learning.

Thank you for your support in furthering your child's learning. If you ever have any questions or concerns, please e-mail me at  or call me at school (507-545-2632 ext. 124).

Contact: Kiley Puetz