This year your child will be using a planner. Your child will be responsible for entering each daily assignment in the notebook and then bringing it home for you to sign.  We have found that planners help students stay organized and also provide a medium for parents and teachers to communicate. 
 Weekly Folders
On Fridays, students will sort papers and bring home finished work.  Please set aside time to look over their work, offer comments, and sign their Weekly Folder.  Have your child return the signed empty folder on Mondays.
5-Subject Notebooks
Students organize their notes into 5 areas. Our notebook is sectioned off by Social Studies, Science, Math, Reading, and Grammar/Writing.  Students are supposed to put only related notes into the section that is related to that subject.

Students have a Desk folder that holds papers that stay in school.  A Weekly folder is for papers that are done and go home on Friday.