
For a small service fee now you can prepay on line or on the phone, through www.PayPams.com with a credit/debit card from the comfort of your home or office! You won’t have to worry about lost, misplaced or late payments again!

Here’s what PayPams.com offers:

Prepay for your student’s meals on line or by phone safely and conveniently. You can choose a credit/debit card. Set up your account for automatic payments when balance is low. Access meal account balances online, or by phone. Access payment history on line, or by phone. Receive e-mail notification of balance status automatically. Receive e-mail confirmation on automatic payments. Register multiple students under one account. You can also set up an account using the PAMS Phone System at 1-888-994-5100.

How do I get started?

Setting up an account is as easy as one, two, three.

Step 1: Register with PAMS at:www.PayPams.com or call 1-888-994-5100. You can now use your students name and birth date to get them on your account. If you have any problems you can use the convent PayPams Live Help service.

Step 2: Choose your Payment Options. Make manual payments at your convenience or set up automatic payments based on your student’s balance falling below an amount that you determine.

Step 3: Make a Payment. Pay by credit/debit card. You will receive an immediate confirmation that your payment has been received. Any transaction made after 9:00 a.m. will not be posted to student accounts until the following school day.

Manage Your Account. Simply enter your username and password to access your account at www.PayPams.com or call 1-888-994-5100. You can make payments, view your student’s account balance, view payment history, and change your payment preferences 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

USDA is an equal opportunity provider, employer and lender.